Personnel Safety Nets

2 products

    • Snap hooks placed every 4 feet
    starting at
    Ships FREE today when you order in the next 3 hours 50 minutes.
    • Snap hooks placed every 4 feet
    starting at
    Ships FREE today when you order in the next 3 hours 50 minutes.

Personnel safety nets on the worksite provide not only on-the-job safety, it can lower insurance costs, resulting in a great safety rating which can help your company be competitive for new projects. While acting as personal safety nets, they can also protect nearby property and prevent loss of time and job site materials.

Nets from InCord are manufactured with a high tenacity synthetic diamond mesh to stand up to the most demanding construction jobs. Each net is bordered with a 5,000 lb. minimum-test synthetic rope with attachment hooks four feet on-center, and staggered to allow for quick and secure attachment to other nets. All are tested to meet or exceed ANSI A10.11-2010, which includes a 17,500 ft-lb dynamic drop test.

Looking for a full system of worksite netting? Consider adding a debris liner to personnel fall netting. it's more mesh-like design of netting that can catch equipment like tools which can be extremely dangerous when falling from high levels.

We offer many in-stock options, and custom configurations are always an option. Give our product specialists a call.
