Magnetic Lifting Sling Protection | 9"W
Tired of fighting with your sling protection sleeves? This protector attaches to your load using magnets, ensuring a secure connection every time. The magnets are recessed to protect painted surfaces.
Designed to work with slings, these magnetic sling protectors don't require any tools for attachment/detachment.
LiftGuard™ Construction
These LiftGuard™ products are made from High-Performance Cast Nylon (HPCN). This material is strong enough to withstand the high pressures generated through the lifting process, and will provide excellent abrasion- and wear-resistance.
It's also lightweight - this product is 1/7th the weight of steel!
Working Load Limit
The working load limit is 12,500 lbs. per inch of synthetic sling width. To get the full capacity, the protector must be in 100% contact with both the vertical and horizontal load surfaces.
The maximum capacity is 87,500 lbs. based on maximum sling width. To calculate the WLL of your setup, multiply the strap width by the base working load limit (12,500). So if your strap is 4" wide, 4 x 12,500 gives a WLL of 50,000 lbs.
Magnetic Sling Protector Features
- Designed for use with slings up to 7" wide.
- Operating temperatures: -20 to 220 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Not for use with wire rope or chain slings, except in situations involving infrequent use or lighter loads.
ASME Guidance
"Slings in contact with edges, corners, protrusions, or abrasive surfaces shall be protected with a material of sufficient strength, thickness, and construction to prevent damage." - ASME B30.9 (2021) 9-5.10.4(d)