Operation Safe Driver Set for October
Just when you thought you might get a break from inspections ... another safety campaign is scheduled for October.
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) announced the dates for Operation Safe Driver Week, running October 18-24. During the event, law officers across North America will step-up enforcement for all drivers, specifically looking for dangerous driving.
According to the alliance, crashes involving buses, cars and trucks killed more than 12,500 people and hurt more than 287,000 between 2011 and 2013. Most incidents involved multiple vehicles and were caused by drivers, both regular and commercial.
Last year, officers pulled over nearly 60,000 people for unsafe driving during the week-long campaign, and wrote the most tickets for speeding and seat belt violations.
Operation Safe Driver is sponsored by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance with support from the trucking and transportation industry and other safety organizations.Outreach events involving officers will be happening throughout the week at schools, sporting events, truck events and state fairs.
Top 5 Citations for Drivers:
Commercial Drivers: speeding, failure to use a seat belt, failure to obey a traffic control devise, improper lane change and following too closely.
Passenger Car Drivers: speeding, failure to use a seat belt, failure to obey a traffic control device, possession/use/under the influence and improper lane change.